Are tasty ‘Baby Lips’ worth the hype?!
How to take care of your lips during summer? Lipstick or LipGloss can only make them more dry. Lip balms seem like a perfect solution for dry, chapped lips. Not many of us use them as they usually do not look good when applied. There is no gloss nor colour. Would not be great to combine both lip care with the good look. Now it is possible thanks to Maybelline. ‘Baby Lips’ Balm is the perfect product that will indulge your lips with hydration and great, colourful look. The cosmetic company has released 6 lip balms so everyone can find something for themselves.
The new formula patented by Maybelline provide you 8-hour hydration. The Baby Lips’ nourishes, hydrates and soften your lips throughout the day. Colours are not intense so you do not need a mirror to apply it as you do when using regular lipstick. Additionally, the ‘Lip Balms’ formula has SPF 20 so you can safely use it during sunny days.
They come in a cute, bright packaging and the lid does not fall off when turned around.
Two of series Quenched and Peppermint are transparent. They moisturize your lips and have a nice smell.
However, if you are a big fan of nude lips you should definitely try ‘Peach Kiss’ Balm, as it gives you light peachy look with a little bit of shine to it.
Another balm is ‘Cherry Me’, which brings out lips’ natural colour but as a little tint of red.
If you would like to have more defined lips you can choose the ‘Pink Punch’. It is rich-pigmented as for a chap stick and it gives you soft, pinkie lips.
The last lip balm that will give your lips a bit of colour is ‘Grape Vine’, which will make your lips slightly red.
Another great feature of this product is that each lip balm has a nice, gentle smell, which makes it hugely popular among teenagers who love to collect them.
Is it worth getting it?
It moisturizes lips, adds colour, and smells great? It seems that there is no downsides to this product. Additionally, customers may be happy to know that it costs as much as your Starbucks’ latte.
There is no reason not to get it.