Dermatologist Visit- what to expect
If you have a skin problem, you probably can’t wait it to be gone. It probably gives you a lot of stress and you try to hide it under the make-up day after day. If you tried all kind of home treatments, it’s high time you make an appointment with the dermatologist.
First, do the proper research among trusted friends and pick the specialist with a remarkable experience. A day before the visit, make a list of all issues you struggle with. When it all begin and when do you usually experience serious breakouts. Jot down any questions you may have. It often happens that during the visit, you are so keyed-up that you forget to ask about things that concern you. Then, enumerate all medications you were taking and creams you were using. It is a good idea to take drugs with you, so the doctor can check the ingredients list. There is a chance that you may be allergic to some of them. Additionally, how you carry out your daily skin care routine is a very important source of information that can lead to the cause of your problems.
On the day of your visit, try not to put the make-up on. However, if you feel uncomfortable, apply a thin layer of foundation. Take the refreshing tissues with you so you can wipe off the-make up while waiting in the doctor’s reception. Make sure that the dermatologist is able examine your skin thoroughly and a heavy coat of powder makes it difficult. Do not be surprised if you are asked about your diet as this is a huge factor affecting your overall skin condition.